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Kõrveküla Holiday Centre

Kõrveküla Holiday Centre is located near Jäneda in naturally beautiful Kõrvemaa. Perfect for get-togethers in summer or winter days, camps, seminars, and all kinds of festivities. The sauna-holiday house lies on the shore of a pond, in the house there is lounge with a fireplace, a sauna, and nine beds.
The big holiday house has 29 beds and a seminar or festivities room.

You can use our lawns for summer events, we have a big terrace for dancing, benches and tables, as well a shelter for up to 120 persons, a beach volleyball court, camping spaces, and lighting.
The Jäneda–Aegviidu and Valgehobusemäe hiking and skiing trails, as well as the Kakerdaja fen are located nearby.

Attributes & Accessibility:

  • Camping sites
  • Free parking
  • Fridge

Opening Times:

  • 24 hours


    • Rooms total 14
    • Number of beds in the high season 38
    • Number of beds in the low season 38